Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Dan – This has happened once too many times for me to let things go on without confronting this issue with you. Several times if not every time I have asked you for Missing PPM Data before the Weekly Msft MI Report goes out and every time you tell me you will enter the correct data. When you have not and I ask you, again you tell me the same thing that you will enter the correct data and then you do not get it entered until after the report has been finished and sent. I have let you know when the report is due enough times for you to realize when this data needs to be entered. Going forward I would appreciate your cooperation and if you tell me, you are going to do something, please carry it out.
Will someone else please explain to Dan the importance of having correct data in the PPM for the Msft Report?

Thank you,


At 1:42 PM, Blogger Melanie said...

Dan's a douche bag. What's happening at the Rite Aid? Inquiring minds want to know.

At 8:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan. Like me, you should try to focus on being tall from the hips all the way to the top of your head.


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