Friday, March 17, 2006

11:57:00 I enter Wong's (formerly Happy Palace (Now That's Just Wong)) Kitchen. I am the only customer. There is also what I assume to be a waiter, he sports the pubescent version of a Fu Man Chu mustache. Comedy central in on the TV.

11:57:25 I notice a sign that advertises "Fresh asparagus." Beneath it are the prices for the various accompaniments, beef, chicken, scallop, etc. I am cautiously optimistic, hey fresh asparagus.

11:57:27 I realize the 'sign' was formerly a panel from a cardboard box. Optimism fades.

11:58:01 I am greeted by Teen Man Chu.

11:58:33 Pleasantries completed, I begin to peruse the menu. I notice another sign. This is a dry erase board. It mentions something about a 3-4 lb steamed carp. I stop reading. Pessimism and whatamIdoingness set in.

11:58:45 I am drawn to the Egg Plant with Garlic Sauce. I wonder how much eggplant does this place go through. I imagine a box of wilted slimy eggplant on the floor with one of the panels missing.

11:59:12 I look over to the fresh asparagus sign. But I am again confronted with frightening steamed carp advertisement. I try to remain focused on the menu.

11:59:52 The Egg Plant in Garlic Sauce is ordered.

12:04:05 Two Mexican gentlemen have entered to dine in. They are followed by a significantly overweight hippie couple in their fifties. Pessimism fades.

12:04:06 Pessimism returns. I peak into the bar - nostalgia.

12:08:17 Egg Plant in Garlic Sauce Arrives. I return home.

12:10:00 I open back door to check on dogs. All is well. I wonder what is that smell? Oh, yeah Wong's.

12:11:34 Food out and ready to go. First thought, holy shit, there is a lot of this shit.

12:12:04 First taste. Very fried, very sugary, very msg-y.

12:13:57 Most of it is gone. I feel ok. Chug glass of water.

12:14:09 I don't feel so good.

12:15:22 Deep Breaths.

12:16:57 I surmise that I feel pretty good for consuming a pint or two of fried corn syrup and msg. I begin entering my notes. Not sure how I will end it. Guttural, spasmodic burps cause frequent spelling errors.

12:19:04 I fetch the fortune cookie: "You will follow your hearts desire." Optimism returns.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

When did "Bat-shit" become the ultimate level of insanity. Or am I wrong? Is there something crazier than 'totally Bat-shit insane'?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I am alive. I did not suffer an agonizing death from eating at Wong's. Although, my fortune cookie was kind of cryptic.

"What you just ate wasn't tofu"


Truth be told, I chickened out. I think I will try to go again on Friday. Maybe I'll get a double Mind-Eraser to kill any parasites.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I am going to Wong's (formerly Happy Palace (Now That's Just Wong)) Kitchen for lunch today.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Dan – This has happened once too many times for me to let things go on without confronting this issue with you. Several times if not every time I have asked you for Missing PPM Data before the Weekly Msft MI Report goes out and every time you tell me you will enter the correct data. When you have not and I ask you, again you tell me the same thing that you will enter the correct data and then you do not get it entered until after the report has been finished and sent. I have let you know when the report is due enough times for you to realize when this data needs to be entered. Going forward I would appreciate your cooperation and if you tell me, you are going to do something, please carry it out.
Will someone else please explain to Dan the importance of having correct data in the PPM for the Msft Report?

Thank you,