Monday, November 06, 2006

Someone drove their car into the laundromat. Straight into that piece. Damn. They used actual 'police' tape to tape off the scene of the crime. I don't know when the last time 'police' tape was used up in my hood.

In unrelated news, two sets of handle bars were seen at the bus stop. Plaguing me, is the question of whether handle bars are properly referred to as 'sets'.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I discovered a foam pad (quite thick and cozy I might add) in the lightly wooded area adjacent to the Rite Aid building. It was accompanied by an ABC (Already Been Consumed) container of Chicken ala King.

The issue is not whether someone is temporarily camping next to Rite Aid on a permanent basis; but is it true that Chicken ala King actually exists and is not a figment of the collective imagination of the Price is Right.