Monday, October 31, 2005


Thanks for returning to again view the insights of a technological isolate.

There are 3 (maybe more) key topics to cover today.

1. I changed my Instant Messenger picture to Burt Reynolds. I believe it is a photo from the Smokey and the Banditt 2 era. Which in terms of Burt's career is analagous to the Hellenistic period of Greece. Comment on this somewhat radical change has been limited, but positive. My co-worker in Marin County told me that I look a little like Burt Reynolds, I said 'Thanks, been working out.' I will keep you informed on additional comments.

2. After my last post I took the dogs on brief walk. Something happend on that walk that has turned into a philosphical discussion with myself. First some background. There is a house about three blocks into our normal morning route. There is an old man that lives there. I think there is someone else who lives there, but I have never seen him or her. Except for one occasion, I have only seen this guy sitting at his dining room table staring at my dog piss on his grass.

The one occasion involved him backing his mid 80's Oldsmobuick into a tree in his yard. It didn't seem to cause any damage to the tree. And certainly no damage was incurred on the Urban Assualt Vehicle that was sold under the guise of a passenger car. But...BUT... no more than three or four days later...that tree was cut down. Again, the tree was not damaged nor was it in a precarious location that might have led to future collisions. I believe this was a spite cut. He cut this tree down for no other reason than that is was in the middle of his yard, a place where it is his right to be backing up if he damn well feels like it.

Anyway, I digress. During this late Friday morning walk as I was passing this house, something caught my eye, out of the most peripheral of vision. It was the old man, although he was not at his table. He was turning away from his window and yes he was naked. So what did I do? And this is the whole point I am trying to make, I did a double take. I had no control, I swung my head around for a closer look. Why? I have no idea. I think it was a reflex. I have spent a large majority of my weekend pondering this event. And I have to accept that if you are naked, no matter who you are or what you look like, I am goin' in for a closer look. At least until cognitive funcitoning resumes.

I propose that there is a substance, such as seratonin or adrenaline that is released whenever there is nakedness or even potential nakedness. The most noticable affect of this substance is the immediate and spontaneous jerking of one's neck to face the potential nudity. I expect that I will someday receive a Nobel Prize for what becomes of this discussion.

3. The third topic involves a discarded computer near Rite Aid. But I have gone on long enough and that will have to wait for a later post.



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